【aaronation愛倫國度】機能性椅背 - 辦公-電腦網椅(DW-105HT手無枕鐵腳PU)推薦,電腦椅,辦公椅有多重要?? 我想大部分的人應該跟我一樣,不管是在上班,或者是下班後回家,甚至是休閒出遊,保守估計一天下來,你的小屁屁會跟椅子相處至少有5個鐘頭吧!! 更別說是玩遊戲、或是打報告的族群了。

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【aaronation】愛倫國度 - 機能性椅背 - 辦公/電腦網椅(DW-105HT手無枕鐵腳PU)








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【aaronation愛倫國度】機能性椅背 - 辦公-電腦網椅(DW-105HT手無枕鐵腳PU)推薦 電腦椅推薦mobile01,電腦椅推薦ptt,電腦椅推薦便宜,電腦椅評價,辦公椅推薦mobile01,辦公椅推薦ptt


2018-04-30 03:00

By Lin Chia-nan / Staff reporterAnimal rights advocates yesterday called on the government to establish an “animal protection police” and review the adoption process at public animal shelters, after 20 dogs were adopted by a man and allegedly slaughtered for meat.The advocates held a blessing for the dogs in front of the Ministry of the Interior building on Jinan Road in Taipei.Event organizer Chang Yu-jung (張育榕) said the dogs were adopted by a man surnamed Chiu (邱) from three public animal shelters in Miaoli and Hsinchu counties, and Hsinchu City.Chang, a painter who produces dog portraits to promote their adoption, said she began to suspect that the dogs might have been killed after seeing photos uploaded by another animal lover on Facebook last month, which showed a man placing traps to capture stray dogs in Miaoli County.“Chiu said the 20 dogs were already dead and had been dumped in the sewers,” Chang said, adding that she contacted him after recognizing him in the photographs as someone who had also visited Hsinchu City’s public animal shelter where she worked as a volunteer.Local residents alleged that Chiu had been killing dogs to trade their meat, she said.After she told the Hsinchu City animal shelter what had happened it contacted the other two shelters, and found that Chiu had adopted 10 dogs from Miaoli’s shelter and four from Hsinchu County’s shelter, as well as six from Hsinchu City’s shelter from Jan. 26 to Feb. 13, Chang said.The Hsinchu Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office on March 17 said in a statement that the six dogs were already dead when they visited Chiu’s home.Chiu and his nephew were indicted by the Miaoli District Prosecutors’ Office in terms of Article 5 of the Animal Protection Act (動物保護法) and might face a sentence of up to two years or a fine of between NT$200,000 and NT$2 million (US$6,749 and US$67,485), the office said.The Council of Agriculture’s Animal Protection section chief Jiang Wen-chuan (江文全), who also attended yesterday’s event, said that after the incident, the council has implemented a function on the public shelters’ online system that provides a list of animals adopted by an applicant when their identification number is keyed in.The council would also urge shelter officials to regularly check the condition of animals after they are adopted, he said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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